Home After Your Surgery

Once home after being discharged from the hospital, you want to take it easy at first and rest often to allow yourself the time to heal. The best way to judge your level of activity is to pay attention to what your body is telling you.

Your doctor has told you what you’ll be able to do, but here are some helpful tips you should follow to prevent unnecessary pain or injury:

  • Avoid heavy lifting, pulling, or pushing for 10 to 12 weeks after your surgery.
  • Don’t drive for at least the first month after your surgery.
  • When traveling in a car, make sure you take a break about every hour.
  • Don’t put strain on your arms for about 8 weeks.
  • If you have stairs, use them sparingly.
  • Avoid using your arms when you get in and out of bed or a chair.
  • Don’t stretch or reach your arms out in different directions.
  • Avoid any action requiring large movements that push or pull with your arms.
  • Don’t sit in a bathtub, swimming pool, or whirlpool.
  • Only resume sex when you are comfortable doing so; and when you do, make sure you are in the passive position.

Full recovery can take six to 12 weeks. During that time, listen to your body, It will tell you when you are overdoing it.