Total Knee Replacement & Partial Knee Replacement

The traditional method for replacing a damaged knee is with knee replacement surgery.

In a total knee replacement, the surgeon will remove the damaged surfaces of your bones and cartilage and replace the knee with a prosthesis made of metal and plastic components that are shaped to allow improved motion of the knee.

Partial knee replacement is an option for some patients who only have damage or arthritis in part of their knee joint. During a partial knee replacement, the surgeon removes the damaged surfaces of your bones and cartilage on the side of the joint that has arthritis and replaces it with a prosthesis made of metal and plastic components. The other parts of the knee without damage are left alone.

The prostheses used in both surgeries, along with regular exercise, will allow you to move smoothly again for many years. Be sure to ask a member of your orthopedic care team if you have any questions.