Important Information

Once you’ve been scheduled for a stress test, it’s really important for you to come in for your appointment or let us know if you can’t make it. If you can’t make it, please tell us at least three days before your scheduled appointment.

While it’s best for us to know as soon as possible, if you can’t make it, please let us know if you can’t come, even if it is the day of the appointment. Remember, this is an important test that can give us a lot of information about how you’re doing and how we might be able to make you feel better.

Also, there are a lot of other patients in line to get tests just like this. If you don’t show up and you don’t tell us that you’re not coming, one of these other patients don’t get an appointment.
Additionally, the material we use is somewhat rare, and we’re going to order a sample just for you. So if you don’t come, we have to throw it out—we can’t reuse it.

We hope to see you when you come in for your appointment so that we can help figure out how to make you feel better, but if for some reason you can’t make it, please call us ahead of time and let us know.